Denbighshire Free Press - Memorials

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Death Notice

David Trevor OWEN

Published on 30/10/2024

David Trevor OWEN
12th October 2024(Retired HSBC Manager)Sadly passed away at his home in Prestatyn after an illness bravely fought aged 73 years.
Dearly loved husband of Julie, wonderful step father of Alex, Katharine and Ian.
Proud and loving taid to Daisy and Isaac, dear uncle D to Laura and Steph, Paul, Nat and Ivy.Trist ei golli gan ei deulu a'i ffrindiau ollFuneral Service at Prestatyn Parish Church on 31st October at 12:30pm followed by committal at the Denbighshire Memorial Park & Crematorium.Family flowers only, but donations in lieu gratefully received towards Prestatyn Parish Church, Llanasa Parish Church and Marie Curie Nurses per
Ivor Howatson & Son, Sisson Street, Rhyl.
Tel: 01745 331182


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