HORTICULTURAL enthusiasts are being encouraged to join a group for like-minded people in St Asaph. Mike Smith, of Tom Smith Plants in the city, and Ben Williams, manager of The Oriel Hotel gym, have teamed up to start a horticultural group and want people who already enjoy growing their own fruit and vegetables as well as complete novices to come and join them.  The duo have utilised polytunnels at the Oriel Hotel and will be holding monthly meetings where group members can learn from multiple award winning Mike and other experts who will be attending the group’s  meetings. Mike, of Coed yr Esgob,  was invited to take part in the world-famous Chelsea Flower Show following his very first application, and has over last few years won a string of awards at shows across the country. He said: “I was after some polytunnels to expand my business, and someone told me there were some at the Oriel Hotel which we’re now using, and things are going really well already as we prepare for the spring.  “Myself and Ben are encouraging as many people as possible to come and join the horticultural group, which begins next month. “We will have different experts coming in every month to share their knowledge, like horticultural equipment companies and compost companies. People perhaps don’t realise when they’re trying to grow things that things like compost are sometimes better bought from smaller, specialist companies rather than off big chains like B & Q. “It’s about educating people and benefiting them and helping them to get the best out of their fruit and vegetable growing. “Gareth Cave, from Nottingham Trent University - who is my plant pathologist - will be coming to share his expertise, he really is inspirational. My method of horticulture has transformed completely in the last year because of him and his scientific methods; these experts are the best of the best.” Ben Williams said: “It’s brilliant that we’re now using the polytunnels at the hotel that have been disused for the last three years.  "I knew of Mike and all his achievements including the Chelsea Flower Show and thought I’d ask him about teaming up with me to grow fruit and vegetables in the tunnels and try and help out other people too. “We’re really keen for people to come and join our horticultural group. "We will be meeting on the first Wednesday of every month at The Oriel House bar at 7pm and everyone is welcome." Anyone wanting any further information can email Ben at ben@theorielhotel.com