TODAY, Saturday September 11 2021, marks twenty years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks took place.

19 men hijacked four commercial airplanes on the morning of September 11, 2001 and travelled towards major US landmarks in an attack orchestrated by al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

2,977 lives were lost as a result of the attacks which sparked irreversible changes to the world, not least the 20-year war in Afghanistan.

2,753 people were killed at the World Trade Center in Lower Manhatten, New York, when two flights intentionally crashed into the north and south towers.

184 people were killed at the Pentagon in Washington when American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the building.

40 passengers and crew died near Shanksville, Pennsylvania when a flight crashed into a field.

The world watched on in horror as shocking images of immeasurable loss and destruction were broadcast live around the world.

To this day, the medical examiner’s office in America is still working to identify more than 1,000 victims of the attack.

As details emerged in the immediate aftermath it was revealed that 67 victims of 9/11 were from the UK.

Earlier this week, we asked you, the Denbighshire Free Press readers, where you were when the attacks occurred.

Here is what some of our readers had to say as they re-called the events which unfolded.

Paul Davies was 'travelling up through France on my way back to the UK from Spain', while Carlene Morris was 'coming home from school'.

Meanwhile, Janet Law said: "Driving from IKEA when news came on the radio. Tragedy of epic proportion RIP to all those souls who lost their lives."

Sue Lewis added: "On my honeymoon and our friends where travelling back to USA and ended up being diverted to Canada due to the awful atrocities."

Errol Edwards said: "I was in a travel agents in Bristol, booking tickets for my first trip to Brazil. Colour was fading fast from the faces of the staff there. 'What is this going to do to our industry ?' said one. Six months later I was in Brazil."

Ceri Ann JJ said: "In school. I remember coming home and seeing the news in the window of a local shop which sold tv’s."

Eirlys Owen added: "I saw it happening when I was between shifts in Howell’s School - when I went back to work I told the cook what had happened and she wouldn’t believe me - so sad."

Emma Phipps said: "I was in work and the put the news on in the meeting room and everyone crowded in, we thought it was an accident then to our horror watched the second plane hit the other tower live."

Rachel Nicola Thomas said: "In school and that's my birthday can never forget that date!"

Kelly Morgan said: "Sat at work for an American company on my birthday will never forget."

Marina Howlett added: "Just got home from a half shift overtime. Turned on the tv 5 minutes later the second tower was hit. I was so shocked. The awful sight of people throwing themselves out of the windows just before tower 1 fell . It stays with you forever."