Tip charges in Denbighshire are massively unpopular with residents, said an outspoken councillor questioning the council’s lead member for waste.

In January Denbighshire County Council revealed contractor Bryson Recycling would take over the county’s three recycling centres at Ruthin, Denbigh and Rhyl from April.

But whilst there is no charge for household waste, residents are now charged various rates to dispose of DIY-type waste, including soil, rubble, plasterboard, wood and timber, asbestos, tyres and gas bottles.

The cabinet met on Tuesday, April 12, to discuss a new business case for its new recycling depot under construction in Denbigh. Denbighshire plans to remodel its recycling service and collections by the autumn of 2023.

READ MORE: New Denbighshire recycling centre charges revealed

Although the matter was not directly related to the topic of discussion, Cllr Paul Penlington took the opportunity to question the cabinet member for waste on the changes – including charges for DIY-type items at recycling centres.

“This is massively unpopular with the public in Denbighshire, the charges at the tip particularly,” said Cllr Penlington.

“Several people, myself included, have criticised this plan, saying it’s going to increase fly-tipping massively. The English Government have just agreed with me, and they have announced they are going to stop these charges because fly-tipping is on the increase.

“Has any kind of work been done to assess that?”

Cllr Brian Jones is the lead member for waste, transport, and the environment.

READ MORE: Councillor calls for internal audit due to spiralling costs of new recycling depot

He said: “When I speak to people, when you explain they are not paying anything extra whatsoever, to take anything they were taking six weeks ago to a recycling centre, they understand what has been offered to them is a good deal, and I use rubber tyres as an example and asbestos. You couldn’t take these to one of our recycling centres. Now you can.

Denbighshire Free Press: Cllr Brian JonesCllr Brian Jones

"We are offering to take that at a reduced cost to the private sector. So it is an add-on benefit service. It is not a hindrance. It is not a penalty to residents. They can take whatever they were taking 12 months ago free of charge. This is an add-on service. It is a good thing. It is a better thing. It’s not a bad thing.”

Cllr Jones added: “As far as fly-tipping goes, yes, there is an issue with fly-tipping. Fly-tipping is an issue across the UK. So it is not solely Denbighshire with fly-tipping. But what we have got in Denbighshire is a robust enforcement policy for fly-tipping, and when people are found out to be causing fly-tipping, they get the appropriate punishment.”