Ruthin primestock sale - August 26

RUTHIN Farmers' Auction reports sales of 1,160 prime lambs to £122 / 265.9ppk and 282 ewes to £134.

Prime lambs (auctioneer-Rich Lloyd):

Another good show of lambs with an entry of 1,161 lambs and a pleasing SQQ of 234ppk.

More numbers about than expected on a bank holiday weekend sale but demand nevertheless buoyant, but at a price.

A mixed show in general with the trade again being two tier and vendors with meaty lambs were rewarded.

Top priced:

60kg at £122 by E & A Davies, Dolwerfyl.

50kg at £119 by Hitchmough, Pant y Mel.

48kg at £117 by Glen Ravenscroft, Blackberry Farm.

Top priced per kilo:

41kg at 265.9ppk by RL & G Davies, Bwlchgraianog.

42kg at 261.9ppk by Eurgain Jones, Beidiog.

42.5kg at 256.5ppk by RL & G Davies, Bwlchgraianog.

Super Lights to 204ppk, av 203.1ppk; Lights to 255.7ppk, av 216.9ppk; Standards to 254ppk, av 232.7ppk; Mediums to 265.9ppk, av 237ppk; Heavies to 246.8ppk, av 229.2ppk; Overs to 217ppk, 207.6ppk.

SQQ 234.1pk; Overall average 232.9ppk.

Cull ewes (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

Top priced ram: £134 for a Texel ram from D Parry, Pen y Bryn.

Top priced ewe: £107 for Texel ewes from E Jones, Cangen Adda.

Suffolk to £97; Mules to £92; Crossbred to £84; Speckled to £72; Welsh to £60; Cheviot to £60.

Overall average £57.36.

READ MORE: Last week's prices


Ruthin store and breeding sale - August 25

RUTHIN Farmers' Auction reports sales of five cows & calves to £1300; 35 heifers to £1530; 60 steers to £1600; 21 OTMs to £1675.80 / 233ppk; 96 calves to £460; 28 stirks to £790; 826 store lambs to £108; 1937 breeding ewes to £202; 52 rams to 1800gns; 27 dairy cattle to £2080; three bulls to 3250gns and 64 pedigree sheep to 1900gns.

Store cattle (auctioneer-Richard Lloyd):

Entries likely to increase weekly now and a good show on the day with 144 store cattle forward.

A strong line-up of steers on the whole and reflected in the average.

Demand on warm cattle still plentiful.

A total of 30 heifers topping at £1530 for a 26 month Charolais from I P Jones, Ddol Fawr.

25 month AA £1405; 20 month BB £1390; 16 month Char £1250; 17 month Lim £1200; 13 month Lim £945; 15 month BB £890; Overall average £1014.50.

A total of 57 steers forward topping at £1600 for a 23 month Charolais steer from W& M&T Parry, Pengelli.

18 month Char £1540; 16 month Lim £1530; 21 month BB £1400; 14 month Char £1105; Overall average £1220.00.

More cattle are required weekly.

OTMs (auctioneer-Richard Lloyd):

A total of 21 barren cows forward with some prices as follows.

Top price went to JG & EV Roberts, Simdde Hir for an 88 month Lim (735kg) at £1675.80.

Top priced per kilo went to T H Roberts, Bachymbyd Bach for an 86 month Lim (670kg) at 233ppk.

88 month Lim-735kg-228ppk; 83 month Lim-600kg-218ppk; 83 month Lim-645kg-218ppk; 146 month Lim-740kg-217ppk; 106 month Lim-680kg-210ppk; 41 month Lim-660kg-208ppk; 150 month Char-710kg-197ppk; 99 month Lim-580kg-196ppk; 45 month HF-635kg-188ppk; 87 month Char-610kg-179ppk; 39 month Saler-535kg-176ppk; 74 month Lim-465kg-176ppk; 54 month Char-650kg-170ppk; 160 month Lim-915kg-169ppk; 37 month Aler-580kg-160ppk.

Overall average £1168.02 / 183.9ppk.

Calves (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

A full house!

Plenty more could easily have been sold. Those best types slightly easier on previous weeks with those younger/dairy types looking well sold.

Top price went to Roberts, Meinillwyd with a Lim bull selling to £460 with another selling to £410.

Others: BB bull to £360; Her bull to £250; Lim hfr to £380; Welsh Black to £185; BB hfr to £275.

Weanlings (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

Stronger trade on those suckler bred types.

Those younger dairy bred sorts slightly easier.

Top price went to Elias, Hendre Cennin selling a 16 month old Lim hfr to £790 with bullocks to £765.

Other prices: 4 month Lim bull £670; 4 month Lim hfr £660; 5 month Char bull £660; 14 month dairy bred BB hfr £540; 5 month dairy bred AA hfr £325.

Dairy cattle (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

A blistering trade!

All cattle in very keen demand. More required on a monthly basis to meet current strong demand.

Special entry from Lisk, Hafodol Ucha sold in calf Holstein Friesian heifers to a very firm trade, due to calve September onwards and in calf to AA bull.

Prices as follows:

Quality freshly calved Holstein Friesian heifers from Jones, Bryn Rhydd sold to £2080 and £1980.

In calf crossbred heifers from Mathew Edwards, Palm Grove, in calf to crossbred bulls due to calve March onwards sold to £680, £660 and £620.

Next dairy cattle sale is on Thursday, September 29, with entries now invited.

Cows & calves (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

BB 1st calver with Lim male calf at foot £1300; Aged BB cow with Lim male calf at foot £1300; Aged AA cow with AA hfr calf at foot £1260.

Breeding bulls (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

Roberts & Son, Myfyrian, 21 month Lim - 3250gns; Roberts & Son, Myfyrian, 22 month Lim - 2900gns; Nanhoron Farms, 53 month Her - 1160gns.

Store ewes (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

A total of 1937 breeding ewes forward to an average of £158.95.

Lleyn 2T ewes to £160; Texel 2 T ewes to £202; Beltex 2T ewes to £185; Welsh Mule 2 tooth to £172; Suffolk 2T to £162; Chev x Tee 2T toto £150; Aberfield 2T to £186; Tex x Scotch Mule 2T to £188; Suffolk FM to £125; Char x FM to £138.

Store lambs (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

Good strong lambs sold exceptionally well.

Top price went to J P Owen, Brynteg selling Texel rams to £108.

Texel ram lambs to £108; Texel ewe lambs to £88; Welsh ram lambs to £56; Welsh ewe lambs to £61; Speckled ram lambs to £60; Speckled ewe lambs to £56; Jacob ram lambs to £71; Suffolk ram lambs to £65; Suffolk ewe lambs to £70; Mule ram lambs to £93; Cheviot ram lambs to £72; Beltex ewe lambs to £80.

Gop ram sale (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

The average says it all!

A total of 45 yearling rams averaged £1125/head.

A ring full of buyers with returning buyers and new buyers from as far afield as Scotland.

The quality forward was a real credit to Meilir Jones, Gop Farm.

The rams had everything, power, skins and shape.

Thank you to all returning and new customers for your support and on behalf of Meilir, Gop and Ruthin Farmers Auction we would like to wish the purchasers the best of luck with their purchases.

See you next year!

Saron dispersal (auctioneer-Rich Lloyd):

The end of an era for the Jones family as they dispersed with their flock of Texels.

A tremendous show of sheep and a pleasure to be asked to sell them on his behalf.

A ringside full of keen purchasers resulting in a justified excellent trade from start to finish.

Ewes av 828.33gns.

A total of 18 ewes forward from 2018-2020 topping at 1550gns for a 2019-born ewe sired by Wydden Boom.

Another two ewes sold to 1250gns with another to 1000gns.

Shearling ewes av 791.80gns.

Topping the sale was lot number 2022 at 1900gns sired by Cae Coed Destroyer.

Another yearling also achieving 1600gns followed closely again by another at 1400gns.

Ewe lambs av 521.06gns.

Judged the best consignment of ewe lambs in the Ruthin Texel club and the proof was in the pudding!

Topping at 1600gns for a ewe lamb sired by Peniel Dark Night, with another at 15350gns.

Ruthin Farmers Auction would like to thank the Jones family for their choice of venue.


Ruthin primestock sale - August 23

RUTHIN Farmers' Auction reports sales of 2161 prime lambs to £179 / 308.6ppk and 749 ewes to £164.

Prime lambs (auctioneer-Rich Lloyd):

An increased entry on the week with 2161 lambs forward to an SQQ of 245.1ppk.

Plenty of competition for well fleshed lambs and other leaner types harder to sell to what was a very two tier trade.

Top priced:

Lights (32kg) £82 by Andrew Hughes, Argraig.

Standards (39kg) £112 by WP & O Evans, Bodwrdin.

Mediums (42.5kg) £126 by I P Jones, Maes Tyddyn.

Heavies (49kg) £130 by J G Rich & Son, Erw Goed.

Overs (90kg) £179 by M A Evans, Tan yr Accar.

Top priced per kilo:

Lights (32kg) 256.3ppk by Andrew Hughes, Argraig.

Standards (38kg) 289.5ppk by TB & M Davies, Nant y Gau.

Mediums (40.5kg) 308.6ppk by J D Pierce, Bryn Deunydd.

Heavies (46kg) 282.6ppk by J D Pierce, Bryn Deunydd.

Overs (59kg) 244.1ppk by Plas Coch Farm.

Lights to 256.3ppk, av 218.9ppk; Standards to 289.5ppk, av 239.2ppk; Mediums to 308.6ppk, av 247.3ppk; Heavies to 282.6ppk, av 242.7ppk; Overs to 244.1ppk, av 231.3ppk.

Overall average 244.8ppk; SQQ 245.1ppk.

Cull ewes (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

Top priced ram went to D W Roberts, Fron Hill at £164 for a Texel.

Top priced ewe went to A & MP Owen, Gallt y Celyn at £158 for a Texel ewe.

Beltex to £140; Crossbred to £120; Mules to £98; Romney to £70; Tal y Bont to £94; Welsh to £50; Speckled to £50; Half Bred to £50.

Overall average £64.96.