Ruthin primestock sale - September 2

RUTHIN Farmers' Auction reports sales of 1,306 prime lambs to £170 / 268.6ppk, 480 ewes to £190 and 140 store pigs to £164.

Prime lambs (auctioneer-Rich Lloyd):

An end to another busy week with 1,926 head of livestock at Ruthin.

A total of 1,306 prime lambs forward to a very pleasing SQQ of 232.8ppk and topping at £170 for a 68kg lamb from C H Bellis.

Top priced:

52kg at £124 by Ifan Hughes, Four Crosses.

55kg at £124 by TG Morris, Plas Newydd.

50kg at £120 by GE & A Williams, Ty’n y Bryn.

Top priced per kilo:

35kg at 268.6ppk by A & Ll Evans, Ty’n y Celyn.

43.5kg at 266.7ppk by R M Mcnaught, Pandy.

39kg at 266.7ppk by R & E Edwards, Bodanwydog.

Lights to 224ppk, av 216.6ppk; Standards to 268.6ppk, av 230.5ppk; Mediums to 266.7ppk, av 236.2ppk; Heavies to 251ppk, av 232.4ppk; Overs to 250ppk, av 222.5ppk.

SQQ 232.6ppk; Overall average 232.5ppk

To pre enter or discuss the trade, don’t hesitate to contact the auction.

Cull ewes (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

Top priced ram: £190 for a Texel ram from C H Bellis, Tanrallt.

Top priced ewe: £118 for a Texel ewe from Charlie Jones, Maes Clwyd.

Lleyn rams to £128; Lleyn ewes to £92; Crossbred to £98; Cheviot to £61; Welsh to £60; Mules to £80; Tal y Bont to £75.

Overall average £44.73.

Store pigs (auctioneer-Elfor Morris):

Sows to £80; Boars to £90; Gilts top £164; Weaners to £22.

READ MORE: See last week's prices


Ruthin store and breeding sale - September 1

RUTHIN Farmers' Auction reports sales of 60 heifers to £1,420; 68 steers to £1,450; 28 OTMs to £1,703 / 262ppk; 66 calves to £370; 41 stirks to £870; 1,424 store lambs to £95.50; 1,731 breeding ewes to £380; six rams to 200gns and 24 pedigree sheep to 2000gns.

Store cattle (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

Despite the dry weather, store cattle of all ages continue to create plenty of demand.

A total of 59 heifers on show topping at £1,420 for a 16 month Lim from JG & EV Roberts, Simdde Hir.

22 month Lim £1380; 29 month BB £1295; 20 month Her £840; 16 month AA £900.

Overall average £1007.03.

A tally of 67 steers forward topped at £1,450 for a 27 month Simmental steer from DV & EF Jones, Ty’n Llanfair.

16 month Lim £1425; 14 month AA £1140; 17 month Char £1400; 27 month Sim £1270; 13 month Lim £1210; 20 month BB £1200; 14 month BSH £820.

Overall average £1058.06.

More cattle are required weekly.

OTMs (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

A total of 28 barren cows forward with some prices as follows:
Top price went to J Williams, Ty’n Llyn for a 35 month Lim (650kg) at £1,703, which also achieved the top price per kilo of 262ppk.

74 month Lim-575kg-222ppk; 38 month Lim-570kg-216ppk; 39 month Saler-530kg-211ppk; 63 month Saler-650kg-210ppk; 74 month Lim-680kg-209ppk; 51 month Saler-660kg-206ppk; 43 month Saler-575kg-200ppk; 39 month Saler-600kg-198ppk; 38 month Lim-630kg-190ppk; 86 month Lim-670kg-188ppk; 53 month Char-645kg-188ppk; 134 month WB-750kg-187ppk; 31 month Lim-440kg-186ppk; 105 month Lim-610kg-186ppk; 74 month Lim-530kg-186ppk.

Overall average £1,084.03 / 180.3ppk.

Calves (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

Those better calves were a firm trade on the day.

A buyers day for those younger types with growing calves selling around that £200 mark.

Top price of £370 went to I H Edwards & Son, Bryn Orsedd for a Lim bull calf.

Others: BB bull to £370; BB heifer to £295; Lim bull to £370; Lim heifer to £250; AA bull to £190; AA heifer to £130; HF bull to £30; WB bull to £130; WB heifer to £180.

Weanlings (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

More buyers forward looking for those older cattle with a pleasing trade.
Long term younger types slighter earlier.

Top price went to Rowlands, Dre Goch selling 10 month BAX bull to £870 with another 9 month old bull selling to £860.

Other prices: 13 month old Lim bullock £800; 13 month old Char heifer £825; 12 month old BB bullock £780; 5 month old AA bullock £580.
More are required on a weekly basis.

Store ewes (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

A total of 1,731 breeding ewes forward to an average of £142.14.

A good show of ewes again with thicker ewes still selling well, but heavier weathered ewes hard to place.

Pray for rain!

Top price of £380 went to C H Bellis, Tanrallt for pure 2 tooth Texel ewes.
2 tooth pure Texel £380; 3 & 4 year old pure Texels to £205; 2 tooth Suffolk x to £172; 2 tooth Mule ewe to £170; 2 tooth Texel x to £190; 2 tooth Crossbred to £160; 2 tooth Aberfield x to £150; 2 year old crossbred to £150; 3 year old Crossbred to £120.

Store lambs (auctioneer-Elfor Morris):

A good show of 1,424 store lambs on the day with vendors rewarded with a consistent trade throughout considering the weather conditions.

Strongest Texel tup lambs to £95.50, Suffolk ram lambs to £92 and Texel x clean lambs to £87.

Longer term lambs between £50-£70 with the best of the Welsh to £55.

Top price went to GW & SE Jones, Cae Goronwy selling Texel ram lambs to £95.50. 

Texel ram lambs to £95.50; Suffolk ram lanbs to £92; Texel ewe lambs to £88; Mule ram lambs to £82; Mule ewe lambs to £66; Beltex ram lambs to £80; Beltex ewe lambs to £78; Crossbred ram lambs to £79; Crossbred ram lambs to £79; Crossbred ewe lambs to £60; Cheviot ram lambs to £73.

Overall average £62.16.

WP & O Evans, Bodwrdin ram sale (auctioneer-Richard Lloyd):

A special entry topping at 2000gns!

An exceptional line up of rams to sell on behalf of the ‘MYNA’ flock of Texels and the Evans family.

The top price ram for 2000gns was purchased by Sam Roberts, Henblas, Llanfechell.

A consistent show of excellent rams generating plenty of interest and a well deserved average of 1030gns with a top price of 2000gns.

Buyers from near and far and a very busy ringside with buoyant bidding on all rams. Congratulations to them on the quality they had on offer today and best of luck to the buyers with their purchases.

More rams now expected weekly in the expedition hall at 1pm.


Ruthin primestock sale - August 30

RUTHIN Farmers' Auction reports sales of 2,768 prime lambs to £138 / 305.3ppk and 719 ewes to £158.

Prime lambs (auctioneer-Elfor Morris):

A tally of 2,768 lambs forward to an SQQ of 236ppk, with 1,522 medium weight lambs at 241ppk.

Meanwhile, 658 standard lambs at 37kg average weight were harder to place on the day at 226ppk with the dry weather taking its toll.

Beltex prime lamb competition for top priced per kilo of 5 or more lambs were as follows:

£75 voucher, I E Roberts & Son, Maesdyfnant; £50 voucher, John Jones, Ty Newydd Cyffin; £25 voucher, T & A Jones, Ty’n Rhos.

All received vouchers redeemable against the purchase of a Beltex ram at Ruthin Farmers Auction on Tuesday, September 13.

Top priced:

Lights (32kg) £69 by E Noble, Coed Mawr.

Standards (38kg) £116 by OL & SL Jones, Bron Parc.

Mediums (41kg) £124 by KS & NL Armstrong, Wern Neidr.

Heavies (51.5kg) £138 by T H Vaughan & Son, Maesmochnant.

Overs (58kg) £132 by I H Morris & Son, Penrhewl.

Top priced per kilo:

Lights (32kg) 215.6ppk by E Noble, Coed Mawr.

Standards (38kg) 305.3ppk by OL & SL Jones, Bron Parc.

Mediums (41kg) 302.4ppk by KS & NL Armstrong, Wern Neidr.

Heavies (51.5kg) 268ppk by T H Vaughan & Son, Maesmochnant.

Overs (53g) 232.1ppk by I H Morris & Son, Penrhewl.

Lights to 215.6ppk, av 205ppk; Standards to 305.3ppk, av 226.1ppk; Mediums to 302.4ppk, av 241.2ppk; Heavies to 268pk, av 238.6ppk; Overs to 232.1ppk, av 219.4ppk.

Overall average 236.6ppk; SQQ 236.7ppk.

Cull ewes (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

Top priced ram went to G Williams & Son, Cefn Melyn, at £158 for a Texel ram.

Top priced ewe went to W Evans, 12 Maes y Llan, at £150 for a Texel ewe.

Lleyn to £128; Beltex to £120; Suffolk to £100; Crossbred to £98; Mule to £80; Half bred to £76; Tal y Bont to £75; Beulah to £60; Welsh to £60.

Overall average £62.35.

Keep numbers coming in to satisfy strong demand every Tuesday and Friday.