AN AMAZING fundraising effort has brought a note of happiness to the tragic death of a young mother from Denbigh.

Friends and family of 34-year-old Louise Swain-Hughes gathered at Rhuddlan Golf Club  on September 5 for the presentation of two cheques in her memory.

A cheque for £16,683 went to Breast Cancer Now, and another for £11,500 to St Kentigern Hospice in St Asaph.

The money was raised at "A Day for Louise", held on August 4 at the club, where she was once a highly promising junior who represented Denbighshire and North Wales.

Several members of her family are also club members.

Louise was diagnosed with breast cancer last year when six months pregnant.

Baby Iwan was born in October, but in January, it was revealed that the cancer had spread to several bones in her body and then, in March, to her liver.

Louise and her fiancé Matt, who had originally planned to get married before lockdown in 2020, were married at Rhuddlan Parish Church, and Iwan was christened on the same day.

In her final months, Louise campaigned for the drug Trodelvy, which could have prolonged her life, to be made available through the NHS in Wales.

The agreement was finally announced on July 14, the day after Louise died.

READ MORE: Event to remember Denbigh mum Louise Swain-Hughes

The fundraising effort for the two charities was planned before her death as Louise had received counselling and support from both and the plans were subsequently stepped up.

With the support of her family, the "Day for Louise" was organized by her friend and former club captain, Maggie Shepherd.

The original target was £5,000 and as she lay in hospital, Louise was thrilled to learn the figure had reached £7,000.

The day's programme included sponsored holes, an auction and other fundraising events, but the final figure of more than £28,000 surprised everyone.

"The support from members was incredible," said Maggie.

"We wanted 18 sponsors for the holes but had 47, which shows the degree of support we received."

Fittingly, the cheques were presented on the first tee, where a bench in memory of Louise has been sited.

Louise's father, retired police officer Gregory Hughes from Rhuddlan, thanked everyone who had supported the appeal.