VALE of Clwyd 'fixperts' have been able to deal with a scary dinosaur!

Ruthin Repair Café enjoyed a wonderfully varied December festive session.

Audrey Bowen travelled up from Garth Trefor to collect her six-year-old grandson’s now vintage 35-year-old dinosaur.

The wiring was ably repaired by John Miller so that its head could be removed without the wires breaking!

Audrey also took along her grandson’s musical snowman, which 'fixpert' Jules managed to fix so that it again produced a miniature version which popped up when the snowman’s hat was raised.

Audrey was thrilled to have it working like new again.

READ MORE: Ruthin 'fixperts' were kept busy during November event

Robin, from Drosi Bikes, had a busy morning, replacing a worn-out part on a rear wheel of one bike, checked and tuned up another one and gave some tender loving care to a well used Kona bike, whose gears needed fixing for Anna Sumner, whose mum is a regular host for the repair café.

Robin was seen giving a reassuringly speedy test ride around the car park at the Naylor Leyland Centre.

No electric bikes needed fixing on the day, but you never know!

Harris Evans was bowled over to be brought a 1970s Videopac Computer with games cassette to repair, which he took home to work on.

It was much admired, being such an early example.

A fair sized sheep soft toy was found in the road in Denbigh and rescued by ‘Dave’ for his three-year-old little boy.

The ‘sheep’ was in good condition, but had acquired a ‘back injury’ – Andrea ably employed a hooked needle and double thread to sew it up again, showing Dave how it’s done for next time.

He said: "What a fantastic community resource; Andrea was able to get my son’s beloved stuffed toy back in commission.

"This will bring a smile to my son’s face just before Christmas; every community should have a resource like this!"