Ruthin primestock sale - February 14

RUTHIN Farmers' Auction reports sales of 2,384 prime hoggets to £135 / 306ppk and 408 ewes to £170.

Prime hoggets (auctioneer-Elfor Morris):

Another good show of lambs on the day with 2,384 in total.

A tally of 1,964 fell in the SQQ of 242.58.

Standard weight lambs averaging 36.7kg were a pleasing trade at 236ppk or £86 per head. Lights were a tidy trade and 1,181 mediums rewarding the corn men with an average of 247ppk.

Heavies and overweights from £115 to £120, top of these from £130 to £135.

Top priced:

Lights (31kg) £76 by M Wyn Jones, Rhiwbebyll.

Standards (38kg) £107 by Mrs F R Jones, Y Graig.

Mediums (41.5kg) £127 by E L Jones, Elidan.

Heavies (50.5kg) £130 by A O Roberts & partners, Hendre Isa.

Overs (61kg) £135 by HW & SW Jones, Fferwd.

Top priced per kilo:

Lights (31kg) 245.2ppk by M Wyn Jones, Rhiwbebyll.

Standards (38kg) 281.6ppk by Mrs F R Jones, Y Graig.

Mediums (41.5kg) 306ppk by E L Jones, Elidan.

Heavies (50.5kg) 258.7pk by HW & SW Jones, Fferwd.

Overs (52.5kg) 228.6ppk by Ty Isa Farm. 

Lights to 245.2ppk, av 221.9ppk; Standards to 281.6ppk, av 237.3ppk; Mediums to 306ppk, av 247ppk; Heavies to 258.7ppk, av 235ppk; Overs to 228.6ppk, av 220.5ppk.

Cull ewes (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

A slightly better trade than previous weeks with bigger ewes still in demand.

Top price of £170 went to D E Evans, Ty Mawr for Char ewe.

Beltex ewes to £148; Texel ewes to £142; Texel rams to £138; BFL rams to £135; Crossbred ewes to £134; Hampshire ewes to £124; Mule ewes to £120; Aberfield ewes to £110; Beulah rams to £110; Welsh ewes to £102; Lleyn ewes to £84.

Overall average £71.44.

Keep numbers coming to satisfy the strong demand every Tuesday and Friday.

READ MORE: Last week's Ruthin prices


Ruthin primestock sale - February 10

RUTHIN Farmers' Auction reports sales of 901 prime hoggets to £129 / 287.2ppk and 256 ewes to £130.

Prime hoggets (auctioneer-Rich Lloyd):

Another entry of 901 prime hoggets forward and a welcome increase in demand.

SQQ on the day of 234.5ppk with the standards at 238ppk.

Top priced:

51kg at £129 by TC&O&EC Lloyd, Criccor.

54kg at £128 by TC&O&EC Lloyd, Criccor.

54kg at £128 by R J Breeze, Gogarth.

63kg at £127 by DJL&SJ Evans, Rhoscynhinfa.

Top priced per kilo:

39kg at 287.2ppk by TC&O&EC Lloyd, Criccor.

44kg at 272.7ppk by A Jones, Segrwyd Goch.

40kg at 270ppk by A Jones, Segrwyd Goch.

Super lights to 175ppk, av 175ppk; Light to 234.4ppk, av 217.1ppk; Standards to 287.2ppk, av 238.3ppk; Mediums to 272.7ppk, av 234.5ppk; Heavies to 254.4ppk, av 231.7ppk; Overs to 237ppk, av 221.3ppk.

To pre-enter or discuss the trade, don’t hesitate to contact the auction.

Cull ewes (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

Top priced ewes went to D L Parry, Bryn Rhedyn at £130 for a pen of Texel ewes.

Beulah to £40; Lleyn to £65; Welsh to £54; Texel to £130; Romney to £70; Crossbred to £80; Suffolk to £100; Mule to £90; Halfbred to £70; Charollais to £82; Tal y Bont to £85.
Overall average £50.64.


Ruthin store & breeding sale - February 9

RUTHIN Farmers' Auction reports sales of 42 OTMs to £1960.00 / 270ppk; 68 heifers to £1,500.00; 184 steers to £1,900.00; 56 stirks to £1105.00; 61 calves to £430.00; 677 store Lambs to £104.00; 170 breeding ewes to £172.00; 118 ewe & lamb couples to £325.00 and three pet lambs to £34.00.

Store cattle (auctioneer-Rich Lloyd):

Early February and 351 store cattle forward with a tremendous weekly entry sold, all finding new homes by the evening.

Excellent cattle rewarded with an excellent trade from start to finish.

A total of 68 heifers forward with an overall average of £1,135.29.

Top price of £1,500 went to RH & HW Roberts, Cae Du, selling a 19 month Lim.


19 month Hereford £1410; 21 month Lim £1400; 24 month Sim £1300; 18 month Char £1290; 25 month BB £1270; 19 month Lim £1250; 10 month Lim £1210; 20 Blonde Aquetine £1125; 13 month Char £1095; 22 month AA £1080.

A tally of 184 steers forward with an overall average of £1316.92.

Top price of £1,900.00 went to W Owen & Partners, Accre Hall selling a 22 month Lim with others in his consignment at £1870 and £1860.


20 month Lim £1850; 21 month Char £1770; 23 month Saler £1660; 15 month Lim £1610; 16 month Char £1550; 29 month Sim £1595; 22 month Blonde Aquetine £1540; 16 month Saler £1380; 24 month AA £1380; 19 month BB £1310; 13 month Char £1300; 9 month Lim £1300; 11 month Lim £1340; 25 month BB £1325; 11 month Char £1305; 9 month Char £1235; 24 month Her £1295; 10 month Lim £1250.

Trade once again exceeded expectations - contact the auction with any entries.

Barren cattle (auctioneer-Rich Lloyd):

A total of 42 barrens forward.

Top price went to J M Davies & Co, Abbey Farm for a 71 month Lim weighing 980kg (£1960.00).

Top price per kilo went to D H Roberts, Penlan, at 270ppk for a 57 month BB.

62 month Lim-710kg-244ppk; 22 month BB-440kg-241ppk; 22 month BB-470kg-230ppk; 23 month BB-445kg-227ppk; 117 month Saler-680kg-226ppk; 34 month British Shorthorn-700kg-225ppk; 61 month Saler-690kg-217ppk; 58 month Stabiliser-695kg-215ppk; 105 month Saler-750kg-213ppk; 94 month Saler-815kg-209ppk; 42 month Saler-665kg-208ppk; 75 month Saler-705kg-206ppk; 69 month Saler-630kg-206ppk; 94 month Saler-770kg-204ppk; 105 month Saler-745kg-200ppk.

Overall average 192.7ppk / £1,300.60.

Calves (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

Trade was up a gear!

New buyers were in attendance on the day.

Top price went to I J Hughes, Chwilog, selling a BB bull calf to £430.00.


BBX heifer to £360; Lim bull calf to £425; Lim heifer calf to £185; AAX bull calf to £265; British Friesian bull calf to £85; Norwegian red bull calf to £78.

More are required next week.

Weanlings (auctioneer-Dafydd Parry):

Trade was on par to the previous week, if not dearer for some!

Top price went to H Jones a’i Gwmni selling a 10 month old BB bullock to £1105.


AAX 9 month old bullock £1090; Charolais 7 month old bullock £1085; Lim 9 month old bullock £1080; Charolais 9 month old heifer £870; BBX 13 month old heifer £790; Lim 9 month old heifer £975; AAX 9 month old heifer £950; Luing 5 month old heifer £630.

Dairy bred:

Simmental 10 month old bullock £855; Hereford 10 month old bullock £860; Hereford 14 month old heifer £740; Stabiliser 9 month bullock £730.

In-lamb ewes (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

Crossbred 4 tooth £172; Texel 4 tooth £145; Welsh full mouth £92; Texel 2 tooth £122; Lleyn 2 tooth £102.

Overall average £84.72.

Store lambs (auctioneer-Elfor Morris):

Top price went to Rhug Estate achieving £104 for Texel ewe lambs.

Texel ram lambs to £102; Charollais ram lambs to £92; Lleyn ewe lambs to £80; Mule ram lambs to £85; Mule ewe lambs to £65; Cheviot ewe lambs to £71; Welsh ram lambs to £83; Welsh ewe lambs to £43; Suffolk ewe lambs to £50.

Overall average £62.96.

Ewe & lamb couples (auctioneer-Paul Roberts):

Twins: Overall average £201.73; £67.24 a life.

Singles: Overall average £160.09; £80.05 a life.


Texel to £225; Crossbred to £222; Charollais to £192; Lleyn to £135; Mule to £190; Tal y Bont to £130; Speckled to £142; Suffolk to £220; Beltex to £200; Dorset to £120.


Texel to £325; Crossbred to £295; Charollais to £250; Lleyn to £138; Mule to £222; Aberfield to £255; Welsh to £138; Easycare to £140; Speckled to £135; Suffolk to £290; Beltex to £228.