THE first Love Hope Strength Treat:Retreat brought together women affected by breast cancer.

Jules Peters, Love Hope Strength Foundation co-founder and a breast cancer survivor, was behind the special weekend which aimed to give women hope, help build their strength and feel loved.

During the event Jules's husband, Mike Peters, frontman of The Alarm, surprised the ladies with a visit to The Sigma Penthouse at the renovated chapel in Dyserth and gave a rendition of 'Heroine', a song that he wrote in 2016 whilst pacing the hospital corridors while Jules underwent surgeries.

Denbighshire Free Press: The women enjoyed walks togetherThe women enjoyed walks together (Image: Jules Peters)
Jules, of Dyserth -  who held the event at her Waterfall Apartments and the Chapel she and her family converted, said: "It still breaks my heart to hear Mike sing this song and releases lots of emotion. He dedicated ‘Heroine’ to all the breast cancer survivors out there. He reached out to Beryl who was the sister on the ward at the North Wales Cancer Centre during his first chemotherapy back in 2005. She has since nursed us both with so much love and compassion. She is our very own heroine.

"The weekend provided an opportunity for people, affected by cancer, the chance to rest, relax, re-group, recuperate, reset and retreat. I feel very grateful to have met so many incredible women.

"I’ve been mentoring other breast cancer survivors for sometime now, helping them on their way after diagnosis. 

Denbighshire Free Press: Jules with her husband MikeJules with her husband Mike (Image: Jules Peters)
"There’s no sugar-coating it that a breast cancer diagnosis can be a desperate and harrowing time. I know, I’ve been there - to hell and back. It felt like a sensible plan to create a weekend at our chapel to create a Treat:Retreat to help give other women affected by cancer hope, build their strength and feel loved."

The inaugural Treat:Retreat was designed especially for 19 ladies, who came from across the UK and USA, who had been affected by breast cancer. Jules labelled the group the ‘Breast Cancer Birdies’.

"The ladies, some of whom have completed treatment and some who are undergoing treatment currently, enjoyed meals together, walks in the beautiful countryside, Yoga, Soundbath, Pilates, music and art sessions, and time in the pub as well," Jules said.

Denbighshire Free Press: Doing YogaDoing Yoga (Image: Jules Peters)
"I travelled straight from Manchester Airport to meet everyone and we immediately clicked, united by our similar experiences."

The event was made possible thanks to the support of the Peters family and supporters who helped put together a varied and full itinerary.

Denbighshire Free Press: Jules and the women enjoy the great outdoors!Jules and the women enjoy the great outdoors! (Image: Jules Peters)
Jules said: "The retreaters had been nominated to take part or had nominated themselves. All came with different stories, experiences and had faced different challenges, but they were all united in their determination to remain positive."

Nominations for the next Love Hope Strength Treat:Retreat at the Waterfall Apartments in Dyserth, will open soon.