The peak grass pollen season is on its way to Wales, but an expert has shared their top tips on how to cope.

Max Wiseberg, a lifelong hay fever sufferer and airborne allergens expert, has warned that high pollen counts are on the way.

Max Wiseberg, the creator of HayMax organic allergen barrier balms, said: "The grass pollen season usually peaks in June and July, so high pollen forecasts this weekend mark the start of the peak season.

"And as 95% of hay fever sufferers are allergic to grass pollen, this weekend will be the worst so far this year for sufferers.

"Many hay fever sufferers start to experience symptoms when the count reaches 'moderate'.

"Counts will be higher near to large sources of grass pollen including hay meadows."

He explained that hay fever is the immune system's overreaction to harmless substances like pollen, resulting in symptoms such as sneezing, a runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, among others.

Mr Wiseberg shared his top seven tips on how to deal with the peak grass pollen season:

Firstly, he said: "Create your own Hay Fever First Aid Kit if your symptoms are particularly bad on a given day, or you find that nothing really works."

His kit includes an organic allergen barrier balm, an antihistamine, a steroid nasal spray, and a drug-free or natural product.

His second tip was to use an organic, drug-free allergen barrier balm to stop allergens entering the body.

Mr Wiseberg also recommends keeping doors and windows closed to keep out pollen and maintaining a nutritious diet to support the immune system.

He said: "Stay hydrated and eat lots of fruit and vegetables to stay healthy and support your immune system.

"Some foods such as capers, red onions, watercress, and kale contain quercetin, a natural antihistamine.

"Avoid alcohol as it contains histamines."

He also shared that a good night's sleep can help.

Mr Wiseberg said: "Hay fever can affect your sleep, so adopt a regular routine.

"Shower at night before sleeping to remove pollen particles from your hair and body."

For relief from most symptoms, Mr Wiseberg says to try an antihistamine tablet or capsule.

He explained that tablets and capsules can help with most symptoms, but an antihistamine nasal spray can also help.

He encourages sufferers to visit his website for more information and tips.