HAYFEVER suffers have been warned by an expert ahead of the "worst week of the year so far". 

Many weather forecasters have predicted very high pollen counts across parts of north Wales over the next few days. 

The very high pollen count is in effect from today (June 18) until Thursday (June 20) in North Wales. 

As temperatures look set to rise, so does the pollen count, leading to a warning from allergens expert Max Wiseberg.

"The first very high pollen counts of the year are forecast for Wales from today and for the following three days," he said.

“So this will be the worst week of the year so far for hay fever sufferers across Wales. However there are lots of different things hay fever sufferers can do to help and remedies work in several different ways.

“The interesting thing about this is that many of these remedies can be complementary to each other. So if one helps, but doesn’t do the whole job, you can try other remedies at the same time to get a better result. In other words, create your own Hay Fever First Aid Kit.

“Pharmaceutical remedies are generally based on either antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays, whilst natural remedies are based on physical preventative measures, immune boosters or natural antihistamines.

“It is important to remember some simple rules when creating your own Hay Fever First Aid Kit. Never take two antihistamines together, never take two steroid nasal sprays together, and consult your pharmacist or doctor if you are already taking any other medication. It is also advisable to consult a pharmacist or GP if you are pregnant or breast-feeding and if you are considering combining different products for a child."

Max has provided advice to hayfever sufferers about the methods and products available to combat the high pollen counts. 

He added: “There is a wide range of natural hay fever products available. Allergen barrier balms work by trapping allergens from entering the body through the nose and eyes. HayMax allergen barrier balm is drug free, organic and natural, meaning it is suitable for everyone, including children and pregnant and breast-feeding women.

“Immune support supplements help boost immunity and help the body deal with hay fever symptoms. Bee Prepared Daily Defence Immune Formula contains all-natural, ingredients with a history of benefits and clinically researched actions which help support the immune system. 

"Acupressure is another non-invasive, natural way to treat allergy symptoms, targeting pressure points on the body. The Qu-Chi Hay Fever Band is an acupressure band worn on the elbow on a pressure point associated with hay fever.

“Antihistamines are a very common remedy, in tablet, capsule and nasal spray forms and can relieve most hay fever symptoms – sneezing, itchy, runny eyes, skin irritation, itchy nose and throat.

"When we get hay fever it is because our body has reacted to the allergen and produced too many histamines. Antihistamines do exactly what it says on the box; they anti the histamine. Quercetin and butterbur are natural antihistamines and a quercetin complex contains bromelain which helps in the absorption of quercetin.

“Steroid nasal sprays target congestion and stuffiness as well as other symptoms of hay fever because the medicine is targeted directly to the nose, the main entrance for allergens to the body. They help fight inflammation and mucus production, reducing the allergic reaction of our nasal tissues to the inhaled allergen.

“Eye drops work in one of three ways. Some stop the histamine release, some are anti-inflammatory and others block the inflammation caused by histamine. You can also buy natural eye drops containing Euphrasia (more commonly known as Eyebright). This relieves inflammation and swelling and is thought to be a helpful allergy relief remedy.

“I suggest that your ideal Hay Fever First Aid Kit will consist of a prevention, such as HayMax organic drug-free allergen barrier balm, one or more other natural products, one (and only one) antihistamine, one (and only one) nasal spray and eye drops.”