A PRIMARY school in Denbigh has received a “glowing” report following a visit from education inspectorate, Estyn.

Ysgol Gymraeg Henllan, on Denbigh Street, which has 70 pupils on its roll, was described as an “extremely caring learning community” in the report, published today (June 26).

It follows Estyn’s visit to the school in April, which also saw its headteacher, Lynne Jones, hailed for providing “strong and wise leadership”.


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The report added: “She is supported skilfully by a conscientious and dedicated team of staff within a caring and supportive learning community.

“The governors are hard-working and support and challenge the school purposefully. Leaders have a sound knowledge of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement.

“Staff have a productive working relationship with pupils and foster their wellbeing successfully.

“They demonstrate a good knowledge of pupils’ various starting points and this fosters a stimulating learning environment that contributes effectively to pupils’ enjoyment of learning.”

Inspectors found that most of the school’s pupils have positive attitudes to learning, and are friendly towards each other and polite to adults.

Nearly all of its pupils, meanwhile, were seen to behave “exceptionally well” and to feel “safe from verbal, emotional and physical abuse”.

The school’s community work was also praised, including through its commitment to its “Warm Hub” to develop pupils’ linguistic and social skills.

Pupils were also described as being “proud to communicate in Welsh”, with the school’s “Criw Cymraeg” group of students encouraging their peers to speak and use the language spontaneously in their learning and play.

The school was handed two recommendations by Estyn:

  • Expand opportunities for more able pupils to develop their skills to the best of their ability.
  • Ensure that teachers’ feedback supports pupils to improve their work consistently.

In addition, the school’s safeguarding and site safety provisions were found to have no causes for concern.

It also has “appropriate arrangements” in place for promotion healthy eating and drinking, while funding was found to be managed “appropriately”.

Mrs Jones said of the report: "I am extremely proud of our wonderful school.

“The Estyn report highlights two cameos showing best practice - one is the excellent link within our community in Henllan, and the other highlighting our strength in reading, in partnership with our parents.

“Our hard-working staff, supportive governing body, and amazing pupils all strive to ensure that Ysgol Gymraeg Henllan succeeds and flourishes.

“I enjoy being the headteacher at Ysgol Gymraeg Henllan and am extremely happy with Estyn’s glowing report."