Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog has been recognised for creating a positive and supportive environment for the children of those in the military.

The St Asaph school has achieved Bronze status in SSCE Cymru’s Armed Forces Friendly Schools programme. 

Supporting Service Children in Education (SSCE) seeks to encourage good best practice to help the children of those in the armed forces to enjoy a positive school experience. It also helps communities engage with local Armed Forces communities to build greater understanding.

Service children can face uniquely challenging circumstances. From the emotional impact of separation when parents are on deployment or training to frequently moving schools and home. They may also missing or duplicate some of their learning through the year and find it challenging to make friendships or adapt to living in a new country.  

As a school that teaches service pupils, Ygol Cefn Meiriadog has joined the SSCE drive to ensure the school environment offers support for all, ensuring service pupils receive the additional support they need to thrive. 

"As a school we have ensured all staff have completed SSCE training in order to support our service children and their family as best we can," said headteacher Laura Martin. 

"We've celebrated the Month of the Military Child with assemblies, had visits from a serving soldier and activities in classes. We've utilised funding from the SSCE to provide wellbeing sessions for all children and, more recently, Expressive Art sessions to develop areas of our school.

"Just last week we celebrated Armed Forces Day with a special assembly, a picnic lunch and special activities in classes.

"Working towards the award has opened our eyes to the unique experiences of military families and we are proud to be working as a whole school community to support ours."

Our military parent praised the school: "I cannot speak highly enough of Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog for their compassion and dedication to our family circumstance," they said. 

"I have nothing but praise for how they invest in their pupils and seek to support families with the unique and difficult circumstances they face. We are truly grateful."