Eight organisations in Denbighshire have received a total of £378,000 in funding, aimed to help people enhance their employability or help them in finding work.

The grant, part of the wider £4.75 million package to support communities and businesses in North East Wales, is made possible by the Denbighshire People and Skills Key Fund, and administered by social enterprise Cadwyn Clwyd.

Applications for the fund were open to numerous organisations including charities and public sector organisations in April.

The aim is to help economically inactive people.

Dawn Johnson, a projects officer at Cadwyn Clwyd, said: "Cadwyn Clwyd are delighted to administer the People and Skills Key Fund on behalf of Denbighshire County Council.

"Delivering this type of fund gives us an opportunity to make a real difference in local people’s lives.

"The impact this grant will have on people, their community and local businesses will be far-reaching.

"The projects funded have been specifically designed to help people restore their confidence, build self-esteem, and increase their employability."

An array of resources, spanning from counselling and mentoring to work placements and outdoor adventure, will be offered throughout the county.

One project rewarded by the funding is ‘Confident Denbighshire’ by Bryntysilio Outdoor Education Centre in Llangollen, which received £186,792.

They plan to use these funds to promote personal and professional growth.

Dr Chris Eastabrook, head of the centre, spoke about his project, "The essence of this project is to use the wild landscape of our beautiful county and Bryntysilio’s expertise to allow individuals to realise they are more capable than they first thought."

Bryntysilio Outdoor Education Centre in Llangollen has funding for their Confident Denbighshire project   (Image: Cadwyn Clwyd)

Another project to benefit from the funding is the ‘North Wales Tourism and Hospitality Academy’ run by Tourism North Wales, which received £23,550.

For the first time, the academy will be able to extend its services to Denbighshire, offering a free short tourism pathway programme aimed at young people over 16, living in Denbighshire, who are currently unemployed and not in education or training.

Jim Jones, CEO of North Wales Tourism, said: "North Wales Tourism is grateful for the ongoing support of Cadwyn Clwyd in empowering individuals in Denbighshire to thrive in the Tourism & Hospitality industry."

This funding is part of the wider scheme by the UK Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund, designed for local investment across the UK.

More information about Cadwyn Clwyd and their initiatives can be found on their official website https://cadwynclwyd.co.uk.