An Abergele priest has swapped the pulpit for the stage, trying her hand at stand-up comedy.

Canon Dr Manon Ceridwen James, a figure in the Church in Wales and an acclaimed poet, will be performing at the North Wales International Music Festival's new fringe events in St Asaph.

The former vicar, who served in several parishes across North Wales, including Llanddulas and Llysfaen near Colwyn Bay, is now the Dean for Initial Ministerial Training at St Padarn’s Institute.

Despite her extensive experience in public speaking, Dr James admits that comedy is a different ball game.

She said: "It is quite a big ask to stand up there in the spotlight all on your own.

"As a priest, it is different.

"I am partly protected by the pulpit for a start, and generally people know what to expect of a sermon.

"With stand-up, it’s completely different, more exposed.

"But my nerves are all positive and I am very excited about being part of such a much-loved festival."

Dr James has only performed about eight gigs in the last two or three years, but she is no stranger to the stage.

She learned her stagecraft from award-winning Welsh comic Kiri Pritchard-McLean, who ran a local comedy school course during lockdown to raise funds for charity.

Dr James said: "I’ve always been interested in comedy and intrigued by the mechanics of how the great professional comedians engage in different ways with their audiences."

She added: "My husband and I enjoy comedy shows immensely and will go to live gigs whenever time allows.

"But I had never tried it myself until I attended the course run by Keri."

Her stand-up act is based largely on experiences from her own life, funny incidents, and amusing lessons she has learned over the years.

Canon Dr Manon Ceridwen James will perform later this month   (Image: Supplied)

She said: "I don’t have a script set in stone or tell jokes as such, but I relate what I hope are amusing stories and reflections on life.

"A lot of it is about seeing how the audience reacts and being able to adapt to the mood on the night.

"It’s all about context, timing, and getting the measure of the room."

Dr James will be performing at the New Inn pub on Lower Denbigh Road at 9.30pm on Saturday, September 21.

Tickets and further details about the festival programme and the free festival fringe events are available online at