A NORTH East Wales MP has issued a statement on why she voted in favour of cutting winter fuel payment cuts for thousands of pensioners in her constituency. 

Becky Gittins, MP for the new Clwyd East constituency, was one of hundreds of Labour MPs to vote against the Conservative Party's attempts to block the controversial policy in the Commons on Tuesday. 

People in England and Wales not in receipt of pension credit or other means-tested benefits will lose out under the Government’s policy. It is expected to reduce the number of pensioners in receipt of the up to £300 payment by 10 million, from 11.4 million to 1.5 million, saving around £1.4 billion this year.

In Flintshire, 28,000 pensioners are losing their winter fuel payment. 

Becky Gittins MP said in a statement: "Yesterday I voted to support means testing of the Winter Fuel Allowance. This was not an easy choice and I fully appreciate that some people will be unhappy with the decision the Government has made. I have received a lot of correspondence giving a variety of views on the issue, and I have read each one carefully. 

"The simple reality is that a time when there is a £22 billion hole in the public fiances, we are forced into making difficult decisions to balance the books. We cannot afford to put our economic stability at risk, we saw the effect of that under the previous Government. And, by means-testing the Winter Fuel Allowance in this way, we can ensure that the least well-off pensioners continue to receive the payments." 

She added: "Tough decisions like this ensure that we are able to protect pensions triple lock, as I pledged to do during the election campaign. This will boost pensioners' incomes by hundreds of pounds next year. This comes on top of £900 to the state pension in April of this year."

"Whilst I understand that some constituents will be disappointed with the outcome of the vote, all pensioners will continue to benefit from the pensions triple lock. This Government is committed to fixing the foundations of our economy to provide the economic stability we need. Ultimately, this will benefit everyone in Clwyd East, including pensioners."

The MP urged people eligible for Pension Credit to claim it.