Denbigh Leisure Centre's swimming pool is set to reopen after months of closure.

The pool will reopen on September 16 following the replacement of the "ageing pool plant" and "decarbonisation works" at the centre.

The works are part of Denbighshire County Council's drive to address the climate and nature emergency declared in 2019.

The first phase of work at Denbigh Leisure Centre saw the installation of solar PV panels on the roof of the building.

Further stages of work included the replacement of the inefficient pool heating system to include heat recovery and improved atmospheric controls, a second PV array and LED lighting.


Jamie Groves, MD of DLL (Denbighshire Leisure Ltd), said: "We welcome the work undertaken by the energy team and Denbighshire Council as our landlord.

"Like DLL, Denbighshire Council are committed to ensuring our facilities remain efficient and sustainable now and for the future.

"Whilst we appreciate a closure of a site or facilities is not ideal, we must remember it is really positive both DLL and Denbighshire County Council continue to invest in these facilities that will benefit the community for years to come."

Councillor Barry Mellor, lead member for environment and transport and biodiversity champion, said: "This project will help the leisure centre not only provide a better environment for physical activities for users and reduce carbon but also support the site in reducing ongoing energy costs.

"We are committed to reducing carbon emissions and thank the energy team for their proactive work and the excellent engagement and support from Denbighshire Leisure Limited."