FINES for dog fouling have not been issued in Denbighshire since June 2023, a Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed.

Former councillor Paul Penlington made the FOI request to Denbighshire County Council, which revealed that, from January 2022 to June 2023, eight fines totalling £800 were issued.

But the council added in its response that no fines have been issued since its contract with an external agency, District Enforcement Ltd, came to an end in June 2023.

The council’s response said: “All of the below fines were issued by District Enforcement Ltd.

“Our contract with District Enforcement Ltd ended in June 2023, and we have had no-one issuing fines for these offences since.”

Mr Penlington said he was “appalled to discover that Denbighshire County Council has effectively abandoned its efforts to tackle dog fouling, a persistent public health hazard”.

He added: “The council has completely stopped addressing what was consistently, until the bin issue arose (following a new waste collection system in Denbighshire which began in June), the top complaint in the county.

“While dog fouling remains a widespread problem, posing serious health risks and degrading public spaces, the council’s failure to act is disgraceful… ignoring an urgent issue that could address a genuine public health hazard, improve our environment, and even generate revenue.”

In response to Mr Penlington’s comments, Denbighshire County Council said it is endeavouring to “develop the enforcement function in-house”.

It reminded residents of the importance of picking up after their dogs.

A council spokesperson said: “Dog fouling always remains an important issue for the council, and we work alongside local members to identify hotspots and those who may be offending. 

“Failing to pick up after your dog is a criminal offence. We know that the majority of dog owners do act responsibly, and we would like to thank them for their efforts to ensure communities remain clean and attractive.

“However, we will take enforcement action where evidence exists of an offence being committed.

"The council is currently working to further develop the enforcement function in-house which will be actioned in the coming months."