A Denbighshire village is 'blooming beautiful' thanks to the work of some green-fingered volunteers.

During the past few weeks, the Cynwyd in Bloom group has placed 14 new metal-framed wooden planters in the village.

The planters replace flower-box-type planters which were said to be 'past their best' and were bought thanks to financial support from Ifor Williams Trailers, which has a factory in the village and employs hundreds of residents.

When they were approached by organisers, the trailer firm quickly agreed to sponsor the group's smart new planters.

Cynwyd in Bloom leader Ann Williams said: "We have planted a range of autumn flowering plants like cyclamen and pansies, along with evergreen plants like ivy in the planters.

"They will be in flower until Christmas and hopefully a little longer.

"Then once they have finished, we hope the spring flowering bulbs we have planted underneath the plants will push through and flower bringing a splash of colour to the village.

"We'll remove the smaller bulbs once they have finished flowering and plant summer flowers in their place."

Gerallt Parry of Ifor Williams Trailers with  Jan Davies and Ann Williams of Cynwyd in bloom (Image: Mandy Jones) Ms Williams said an initiative to brighten up the village began with the flower boxes about 10 years ago.

"This was started by Jen Williams who tended the boxes by herself and last year she asked if I could take over.

"I've been involved in litter picking in the village and agreed and the Cynwyd in Bloom group was born.

"During the first year we just carried on but quickly realised the boxes were past their best and we decided to carry out an overhaul.

"We were supported financially by local businesses and individuals but the cost of new planters was high and we were delighted when Ifor Williams Trailers agreed to help.

"We looked at what was available and even considered building the planters from scratch ourselves but decided on these as they are both smart and durable and came as flat packs."

Gerallt Parry, a manufacturing manager at Ifor Williams Trailers, said: "Ifor Williams Trailers has long had a policy of supporting the local community and we were more than happy to assist in the purchase of planters for the village.

"We have supported a large number of local projects and the planters and the flowers that have been planted will bring colour to the village and promote pride in the community.

"We're looking forward to seeing the planters in full bloom which will brighten up the village and make it an even more beautiful place."